Warmist economist Lord Stern denies supply-and-demand: Rejects as ‘baseless’ notion of fracking reducing natural gas price

So who should listen to Lord Stern about global warming economics? He doesn’t seem believe that, as demonstrated in the U.S., greater supply of natural gas leads to lower prices. Continue reading Warmist economist Lord Stern denies supply-and-demand: Rejects as ‘baseless’ notion of fracking reducing natural gas price

No Prisoners: Comrade Naomi Klein blames ‘elitist’ enviros for failure to achieve emissions cuts

Klein says the enviro elites’ win-win collaboration with American business has failed. Continue reading No Prisoners: Comrade Naomi Klein blames ‘elitist’ enviros for failure to achieve emissions cuts

Enviros blame Congress for Yosemite wildfire — ironically blaming Congress for not funding brush clearing efforts

Reuters reports: Continue reading Enviros blame Congress for Yosemite wildfire — ironically blaming Congress for not funding brush clearing efforts

Aussie election looms large for global warming; Tony Abbott could deliver a crippling blow to global warmism

AAP reports: Continue reading Aussie election looms large for global warming; Tony Abbott could deliver a crippling blow to global warmism

Study: Ozone not linked with asthma hospitalizations in major California hospital system

No association between air quality (PM2.5, ozone) and hospital admissions for asthma in University of California-Davis Health System during 2010-2012 (19,000+ cases).

Continue reading Study: Ozone not linked with asthma hospitalizations in major California hospital system

World Bank taking ‘aggressive action’ to ensure world’s poor have NO ACCESS to electricity

World Bank-required emissions standards will just put electricity more out of reach without providing any public health benefits. Poor people need power — especially the electric kind. That would improve public health more than anything. Continue reading World Bank taking ‘aggressive action’ to ensure world’s poor have NO ACCESS to electricity

Study: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) doesn’t increase breast cancer risk for all women

… if it increases breast cancer risk for anyone. Continue reading Study: Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) doesn’t increase breast cancer risk for all women

House Science Chair to EPA: ‘Regulations based on secret data have no place in a democracy’

From Rep. Lamar Smith’s letter to the subpoena-defaulting, data-hiding EPA. Continue reading House Science Chair to EPA: ‘Regulations based on secret data have no place in a democracy’