When subsidies disappear… German solar firm lays off 700 — strong decline in sales

SMA Solar Technology announced:

The Managing Board of SMA Solar Technology AG (SMA) today informed the company’s employees at an employee meeting about further planned personnel adjustments. To respond to the changing conditions in the global photovoltaic market and the associated strong decline in sales, a gradual downsizing of 700 full-time positions in Germany is planned by December 31, 2014.

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[h/t No Tricks Zone]

2 thoughts on “When subsidies disappear… German solar firm lays off 700 — strong decline in sales”

  1. Aren’t these amateurs ever going to learn that the whole green industry is not a sound, demand-driven way industry but a sick, crippled and subsidy-dependent toy activity? As soon as subsidies decline, this playstuff is falling apart. How long are we taxpayers going to keep this caricature going?

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