Weather Channel Alarmism: What the West Coast could look like if global warming continues

Artwork allegedly based on “science” not a political agenda.

“Artist Nickolay Lamm gives us a glimpse into that grim future with a series of illustrations showing what famous sea-side locales would look like under forecasted sea-level changes.”

Read the report/Watch the video.

4 thoughts on “Weather Channel Alarmism: What the West Coast could look like if global warming continues”

  1. What is the house and palm trees doing next to the Golden Gate Bridge?
    Not even in their dreams. What are they smoking?

  2. Are the pictures based on the actual 1 – 2″ rise expected, or the 20 foot hysteria of Al Gore?

    I saw a silly demo at an aquarium associated with Lego land, where they had to show the requisite propaganda. – They showed how in a few hundred years the road of the golden gate bridge would be under water. Now that is sea level rise!

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