Warmist claim: 2°C target not enough to save planet; Also stopping ocean acidification will require much deeper cuts

But none of their emissions cuts can be met anyway.

Climate News Network reports:

Governments that agreed to try to restrict global warming to a rise of no more than 2°C may have set themselves the wrong target, according to Swiss scientists.

Marco Steinacher from the University of Bern and colleagues report in Nature that the cuts in carbon dioxide emissions necessary to achieve this limit to rising temperatures won’t stop sea level rise, won’t halt the acidification of the oceans and won’t repair the losses in agricultural productivity.

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The key paragraph in the study is below [Click to enlarge]. Target 1 is global temp. Target 2 is ocean acidification. Note the emissions cuts needed. Eff is allowable 21st century CO2 emissions. We currently emit about 35 gigatons of CO2-equivalents annually.

2 degree not enuf clip

4 thoughts on “Warmist claim: 2°C target not enough to save planet; Also stopping ocean acidification will require much deeper cuts”

  1. Human CO2 emissions annually only contribute [carbonic] acid 1 part per 50,000,000,000 annually — 1 to 50B, annually. BFD. Why hasn’t someone made this point?

    I’ve written an calculation to show my conclusions if anyone is interested.

  2. I couldn’t get the article from Nature but could see Fig#3 in the abstract and it seams to me that the allowable 21st Century CO2 emissions (E sub ff) are the cummulative emissions over 100 years. If I did my calculations right this would put us in the 800 GtC range (8 GtC time 100 years). Therefore, the values found in the Nature’s article are to be divided by 100 to determine the average annual emission rate…Right?

  3. Only in alarmist’s mind can a (Ph8.3)alkaline solution become an acidic solution…We must all remember that reality is not their strongest asset.

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