Michael Mann hits Roy Spencer on creation vs. evolution

Just askin’…. so how did life start, Mike? Primordial soup? Can you model that? Would more tree rings help?

The creation vs. evolution came up at today’s Senate hearing on climate when Sen. Whitehouse tried to ambush Spencer with it. Roy knocked the ball out of the park. Below is Mann’s knee-jerk, fact-free, ad hominem response to Spencer.

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8 thoughts on “Michael Mann hits Roy Spencer on creation vs. evolution”

  1. @Gamecock Absolutely agree. Spencer’s response reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution. And for this site’s author to consider it a “knocked the ball out of the park” response reveals that this site’s author has an equally fundamental misunderstanding.

  2. “Just askin’…. so how did life start, Mike? Primordial soup? Can you model that? Would more tree rings help?

    The creation vs. evolution came up at today’s Senate hearing on climate when Sen. Whitehouse tried to ambush Spencer with it. Roy knocked the ball out of the park.”

    Evolution science is not concerned with “how did life start.” Life had existed on earth for billions of years before significant evolution started. The question is a non sequitur.

    I think Dr. Spencer should have told Sen. Whitehouse that evolution was off topic, and refused to answer. As it was, Dr. Spencer took the bait, and proceeded to damage his own credibility. Which is what Whitehouse wanted him to do. How you feel “Roy knocked the ball out of the park” is beyond me. Whitehouse got what he wanted.

  3. The Creationists (with a captial C) do not accept the science of evolution, but interpret the Bible version as literal fact. Those who believe a Young Earth believe creation took 7 days of 24 hours, while others accept that the Hebrew word “yom” could mean “era”.

    Most Christians are creationists (with a small C) who accept evolutionary science while believing that God created the universe.

    Most Christians accept that the aim of science is to answer “what” and “how”, and the aim of religion is to answer “Who” created the universe and “Why”.

    Frankly, I don’t see any conflict between the mainline Christian religious beliefs and evolutionary science.

    I am agnostic because I do not have any way of knowing “who” or “why” the universe was created and I am not interested. I do have means of learning the “what” and “how”, by scientific study and so I confine my studies to science, not theology.


  4. So the search for the unmoved mover continues in all things, be it the weather, or whatever started the weather.

    See Aquinas, and Aristotle for that matter. Though neither had a phd
    and probably would be rebuked by the same people that rebuke Roy

  5. Now we have a REALLY good idea how much science “Doctor” Mann knows. Does he really think there is ANY science that supports Creationism?

    FYI – there is none!

  6. Sorry about that, JS was refusing me for a while.
    Anyhow, I don’t understand this at all. Is someone saying Spencer is a fundie creationist?

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