Mama Mia: Italian temperature rises outstripping rest of planet

Gazzetta del Sud repoirts:

Climate change is happening faster in Italy than the rest of the planet, a report by the nation’s Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) said on Wednesday. “Today the warming of the global climate system is indisputable,” read ISPRA’s annual report. “The increase in the average temperature in Italy registered in the last 30 years has almost always been higher than the global mean”. ISPRA said the average annual temperature rose for the 21st consecutive year in 2012, which was the fourth hottest the country has had since 1961. The report said Italy’s longest recession over 20 years contributed to its carbon-dioxide emissions falling 5% in 2012 with respect to the previous year. It added that this should enable the country to meet its emissions commitments for the Kyoto Protocol on climate change with a “limited effort”. The report said that urban sprawl was a huge problem in Italy, saying that an area the size of the city of Naples is “cemented over” every five months.

Read the original article.

6 thoughts on “Mama Mia: Italian temperature rises outstripping rest of planet”

  1. Conveniently, now “global climate change” can be indicated by local rises in temperature. Now, climate change is really stronger in some locations than others. At first, this was not evident to the climate change folks, but they have learned this and now tell us that every single high temperature and upward turn on the planet is local/global. It’s all the same.

  2. “Today the warming of the global climate system is indisputable,”
    And the evidence to support that the whole globe is hotter is that it is that it is hotter (or cooler) in some parts of the globe than others?
    And someone gets paid for coming up with this nonsense?

  3. ISPRA said the average annual temperature rose in 2012. The report said its carbon-dioxide emissions fell 5% in 2012 . This is a ‘smoking gun’ that shows temperature rise does NOT follow from increases in CO2 emissions.

  4. Has anybody told them about “Urban Heat Islands”? I’ll bet their thermometers are all conveniently located in cities and towns.

  5. “The increase in the average temperature in Italy registered in the last 30 years has almost always been higher than the global mean”.

    That would be a temperature change, not a climate change.

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