Los Angeles City Council permits climate skeptic board seat after forcing him to admit warmism

You have the freedom to believe what warmists want you to believe — if you want city employment in Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

After being grilled about controversial past statements on immigration and climate change, former Los Angeles mayoral candidate Kevin James was confirmed Tuesday as a member of the powerful Board of Public Works, which is expected to play a key role in Mayor Eric Garcetti’s effort to improve basic services.

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One thought on “Los Angeles City Council permits climate skeptic board seat after forcing him to admit warmism”

  1. This is a case of a governing body hiring someone to further their agenda. I disagree thoroughly with the agendas of the city of Los Angeles but this is the agenda their voters have chosen through their representatives. The council has every reason to appoint board members who will advance their agendas rather than impede them. That’s why voters need to be smarter.

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