Ken Cuccinelli Attacked By Climate Scientist As ‘Anti-Science Zealot’

And what is so “scientific” about divining historic global temperatures from tree rings?

Huffington Post reports:

Renowned climate scientist Michael Mann has taken the unorthodox step of jumping into politics and campaigning with Virginia’s Democratic gubernatorial candidate, worried that an “anti-science zealot” could win the election in November.

In an interview with radio host Ari Rabin-Havt on Sirius XM Progress on Monday, Mann sharply contrasted Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (R) with his gubernatorial opponent, Democrat Terry McAuliffe. The election is on Nov. 5.

3 thoughts on “Ken Cuccinelli Attacked By Climate Scientist As ‘Anti-Science Zealot’”

  1. Isn’t campaigning a bit ‘public’ for such an I public person??? Wonder how that will play into his lawsuit??

  2. One wonders whether Virginia has a counterpart to the federal Hatch act prohibitions on partisan campaigning by government employees. Texas does.

  3. To be precise…there is a lot of science that can be done (potentially) to infer historic (local) temperatures from tree rings. Only thing, it isn’t good enough at the moment, and it’s unlikely to become good enough in the foreseeable future.

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