Germans, Danes pay 300% more than Americans for electricity — courtesy of wind, solar mandates

From the Wall Street Journal’s “Europe’s Renewable Romance Fades”:

Europe has bet big on wind and solar energy, and many environmental advocates would like America to follow. Wind and solar have a role in the U.S. energy economy, but we would be wise to see the cautionary tale in the European experience and adjust our plans accordingly.

Wind and solar generate 3.5% of America’s electricity today, but Denmark gets 30% of its electricity from wind and hopes to produce 50% by 2020. Germany, Europe’s largest national economy, produces roughly 12% of its electricity from wind and solar today, and it wants renewable energy to account for 35% of electricity generation by 2020.

Clean energy powered by renewable resources is understandably attractive. But the honeymoon with renewables is ending for some Europeans as the practical challenges of the relationship become clear.

The first challenge is cost. Germany has reportedly invested more than $250 billion in renewable energy deployment, and its households pay the highest power costs in Europe—except for the Danish. On average, Germans and Danes pay roughly 300% more for residential electricity than Americans do.

Read more ($ubscription required).

3 thoughts on “Germans, Danes pay 300% more than Americans for electricity — courtesy of wind, solar mandates”

  1. European greenies declare that building green energy production creates jobs. A job is an activity that generates a product based on a real demand. Green technology is an illusion where the work is heavily subsidied and where the final product is based on political decisions and not on a healthy demand for something new. Europe is going to go down the drain if this green illusion is not stopped SOON!

  2. PS: How much do high energy costs improve job prospects again?
    PPS: If you’re on a fixed pension, how does tripling energy costs improve your budget again?

  3. So, if the Germans triple their renewables share of energy, their electric costs are likely to be six times American costs. That’s a good plan because…because…because why??

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