Columbia Journalism Review joins warmist attack on Reuters

CJR reports:

But rumblings in the Reuters newsroom signal that the most recent dip in climate coverage is accompanied by a shift in editorial angle. I spoke on background to several journalists working at Reuters, who said that since Ingrassia was hired, they’ve felt pressure from management to “balance” to climate change stories by including the views of global-warming skeptics. “I’m really glad someone outside the company is looking into this,” said one staffer who did not wish to be identified. “I think this is the most worrying thing any of us have seen here.”

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3 thoughts on “Columbia Journalism Review joins warmist attack on Reuters”

  1. @ Robert Bell

    How is seeking balance in journalism wrong ? It seems CJR is saying “balance” is unacceptable, which is whack job fringe to me…

  2. CJR reports a Reuters staffer saying that the move to require balance in global warming stories is “the most worrying thing any of us have seen here”.

    Says all you need to know about the Columbia “Journalism” Review!

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