Claim: Each degree of global warming might ultimately raise global sea levels by more than 2 meters

So far, though, only 0.2 meters of sea-level rise for almost 0.9 of air temperature rise.

The Potsdam Institute of Warmism reports:

Greenhouse gases emitted today will cause sea level to rise for centuries to come. Each degree of global warming is likely to raise sea level by more than 2 meters in the future, a study now published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences shows. While thermal expansion of the ocean and melting mountain glaciers are the most important factors causing sea-level change today, the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets will be the dominant contributors within the next two millennia, according to the findings. Half of that rise might come from ice-loss in Antarctica which is currently contributing less than 10 percent to global sea-level rise.

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2 thoughts on “Claim: Each degree of global warming might ultimately raise global sea levels by more than 2 meters”

  1. That’s part of the fun of climate science and alarmism, almost nothing is varifiable. The few things that have been observed have disagreed with predictions, but those observations are merely ignored, swept under the rug. Wahoo!

  2. So that’s 1 mm/degree for the next 2000 years? Assuming nothing else happens in the interim all we have to do is hang around until 4013 to see if they were right. Maybe we could do calibration checks every 250 years. I think we have time to adjust to the change, if it were to happen. I really like these theories and predictions that are impossible to verify.

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