Beware of Greens Bearing ‘Conservatives’: Mother Jones writer embraces Barry Goldwater Jr. for solar investment

Grist reports:

The name Barry Goldwater is practically synonymous with conservatism in America. That’s even more true in the late politician’s home state of Arizona, which he represented for five terms in the U.S. Senate. Now his son, Barry Goldwater Jr., is putting the family name behind an effort to protect solar energy’s growing share of the electricity market — a struggle that has pitted him against entrenched utility interests and a right-wing dark-money group.

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3 thoughts on “Beware of Greens Bearing ‘Conservatives’: Mother Jones writer embraces Barry Goldwater Jr. for solar investment”

  1. Nuclear energy is very safe. Overly stringent regulations make it much more costly than it need be.

  2. We should bear in mind though that the future energy for the planet (until they can make nuclear or its equivalent safe and viable – if ever), is SOLAR. Of that there is no doubt. Get your money in there lads.and lassies.

  3. In the 10th paragraph – “But repeated prodding by Vitter has done the trick – mostly.The agency has contacted researchers to get the raw data behind those studies, USING THE LEVERAGE OF AN AMENDMENT THAT REQUIRES ALL FEDERALLY FUNDED RESEARCH DATA TO BE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC.”

    Could this apply to the raw hockeystick data that has not been released?

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