Warmists Mann, Oreskes, Santer & more to whine about being criticized at AGU conference

“Wah!… I don’t wanna show my data…Wah!..or my taxpayer-paid e-mails… Wah!… and don’t say mean things about my work… Wah! Continue reading Warmists Mann, Oreskes, Santer & more to whine about being criticized at AGU conference

Weather Channel Alarmism: What the West Coast could look like if global warming continues

Artwork allegedly based on “science” not a political agenda. Continue reading Weather Channel Alarmism: What the West Coast could look like if global warming continues

Aussie oppo leader hit for calling CO2 trading ‘market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one’

The Age reports: Continue reading Aussie oppo leader hit for calling CO2 trading ‘market in the non-delivery of an invisible substance to no one’