USGS claim: Recent spike of earthquakes in central, eastern U.S. may be linked to oil, gas wastewater injection

The US Geologic Service reports: Continue reading USGS claim: Recent spike of earthquakes in central, eastern U.S. may be linked to oil, gas wastewater injection

Ex-nuke regulator: Nuclear renaissance was just a fairy tale

In the end, the U.S. nuclear power industry has been its own worst enemy by failing to aggressively campaign against the anti-nuke greens. Now its desperate anti-science, global warming pitch doesn’t even resonate with the warmists. Continue reading Ex-nuke regulator: Nuclear renaissance was just a fairy tale

WV paper: ‘A shame Obama nominee’s confirmation had to be held up to force EPA to do the right thing’

And we have yet to see if EPA will do anything at all. Continue reading WV paper: ‘A shame Obama nominee’s confirmation had to be held up to force EPA to do the right thing’

China has more shale than US, but will need to keep building coal plants to keep up with ‘voracious’ energy demand

Bloomberg reports: Continue reading China has more shale than US, but will need to keep building coal plants to keep up with ‘voracious’ energy demand