Scientific Cleansing: Interior Secretary says ‘I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior’

E&E reports: Continue reading Scientific Cleansing: Interior Secretary says ‘I hope there are no climate change deniers in the Department of Interior’

Good/bad warmist news: Carbon farming competitive with carbon capture/storage — Latter not possible/affordable

The European Geosciences Union reports: Continue reading Good/bad warmist news: Carbon farming competitive with carbon capture/storage — Latter not possible/affordable

Defense: UMichigan doc innocent of illegal human testing because Steve Milloy a bad guy for defending business

A University of Michigan researcher defends colleague Robert Brook against allegations of illegal human testing by attacking Steve Milloy. Continue reading Defense: UMichigan doc innocent of illegal human testing because Steve Milloy a bad guy for defending business

Los Angeles City Council permits climate skeptic board seat after forcing him to admit warmism

You have the freedom to believe what warmists want you to believe — if you want city employment in Los Angeles. Continue reading Los Angeles City Council permits climate skeptic board seat after forcing him to admit warmism