Warmists issue new agenda for corporate sustainability — pay us and do our bidding

Warmism is all about money and power.

From a ClimateProgress essay:

Furst, corporate leaders need to directly lobby state and national politicians to introduce sweeping, aggressive bipartisan climate legislation such as a carbon fee and dividend program. Strong policy in G8 nations is all the more important because it removes excuses for inaction by China, India, and other countries with rapidly growing carbon footprints.

Second, CEOs should insist that trade groups prioritize climate policy activism and withdraw from associations that refuse to do so, like when Pacific Gas & Electric, Apple, and Nike left the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over its opposition to regulating greenhouse gas emissions.

Third, businesses should market their climate activism so that customers and suppliers appreciate their leadership, understand what matters, and follow suit. Such marketing is also education on one of the key issues of our time.

Fourth, companies should partner with effective non-governmental organizations such as the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies, the Natural Resources Defense Council, 350.org, Protect Our Winters, and Citizen’s Climate Lobby to support their work, become educated on climate science and policy solutions, and understand effective lobbying.

2 thoughts on “Warmists issue new agenda for corporate sustainability — pay us and do our bidding”

  1. This is the same old protection racket/extortion scam the other greenies have been running for years. “Support our work”, i.e., give us money, and we won’t chain ourselves to your facilities, hack your computers, lie to the media about you, threaten your employees, etc.

  2. If all you CEOs do these things, we will like you.

    Nah. We’ll still hate you.

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