Warmist: ‘Obama is the last president who will have an opportunity to deflect a first-class disaster’

All talk and no action so far, says NRDC founding trustee George Woodell.

Woodell writes at NJToday:

Let’s be clear about the urgency: Obama is the last president who will have an opportunity to deflect a first-class disaster. With every day that passes, we make further commitment to substantially uncontrolled further warming…

Obama had a chance to change the debate in April, speaking before an overflow crowd gathered in the newly renovated National Academy of Sciences building.

Expectations were high. There has never been a moment when a sitting president faced more intense scientifically clear and obviously dangerous challenges to the public welfare than today…

Alas, President Obama offered none of that. It was friendly talk. No challenge, no inspiration, no hope beyond soft platitudes and pabulum. He urged scientists simply to generate “science-based initiatives to help us minimize and adapt to global threats like climate change.”

On the most important scientific issue of our generation, Obama gave the day, and possibly the world, to the Republicans and their congressional and corporate friends.

4 thoughts on “Warmist: ‘Obama is the last president who will have an opportunity to deflect a first-class disaster’”

  1. “There has never been a moment when a sitting president faced more intense scientifically clear and obviously dangerous challenges to the public welfare than today…”

    Ignorant poppycock.

    Compare to Truman learning the Soviets had exploded an atomic bomb.

  2. If human activity were driving weather and climate changes, and if those changes were harmful on net, then NRDC might have a case. Since neither point appears to be true, NED.
    But then NRDC and its children, like our local Northern Plains Resource Council, seem to be the more-encompassing version of PETA. PETA wants people to stop interacting with animals at all — no pets, no hunting, no use for food or clothing. NRDC seems to want people to stop interacting with the planet beyond agriculture, and I think they’re fishy on agriculture but they’re pretending.
    Well, it can’t be done. People have to interact with the land and people want a decent standard of living. And I’m just talking about clean clothing and a decent diet and staying warm or cool in season. You can’t get a decent standard of living by following the wishes of NRDC, Earth First!, PETA, etc.

  3. It feels like we have had decades of “last chance to save the planet and we must act immediately” predictions. It also seems that we have quite a number of these every year. So, what’s different with this one? The planet seems to be puttering along without being saved.

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