UK communities to be allowed to reject wind farms

Blue and Green Tomorrow reports:

Government proposals to give communities more say over onshore wind developments could make it easier for vocal minorities to prevent projects from happening.

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) said on Thursday that communities would be financially rewarded – through discounts on their energy bills – for living near wind farms. This would mirror an incentive scheme put in place by 100% renewable electricity firm Good Energy, who featured in Blue & Green Tomorrow’s Guide to Limitless Clean Energy 2013.
However, critics have claimed that anti-wind motives were seated deep within its plans…

John Hayes, the anti-wind former energy minister who is now a senior adviser to David Cameron, told the Daily Mail, “No longer will councils and communities be bullied into accepting developments because national energy policy trumps local opinion. Meeting our energy goals is no excuse for building wind turbines in the wrong places.”

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