Show us the bodies: Singapore undergoes natural experiment in extreme air pollution

About the ongoing air pollution phenomenon in Singapore, the Straits Times reports:

The 24-hour average concentration of PM2.5, which is very fine particulate matter, was 232-292.

That 24-hour average level is 6.6 to 8.3 times the 1-hour level that violates EPA 24-hour standards!

An “expert” from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine claims the death rate from PM2.5 increases 20 percent per 10 micrograms/cubic meter.

If true, we should see the daily death toll in Singapore increase five times (5x).

Show us the bodies, somebody!

One thought on “Show us the bodies: Singapore undergoes natural experiment in extreme air pollution”

  1. Back in 1983/84, before CNN etc, there were massive forest fires in Kalimantan, Indonesia. I was there at the time exploring for coal in Kaltim. It was so smoky, visibilty was down to 100m on the Makaham River at the worst.. We had to cancel the field trip that day.
    I do not recall seeing anyone in Tengarrong wearing “smog masks”. It was not many years later that I discoversd that I was working in the middle of the giant forest fires of Kalimantan.

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