Research to Nowhere: 13 federal agencies fund $2.5 billion annually in warmism research

And the warmists are still losing. At least the Bridge to Nowhere actually did go somewhere.

Highlights of the NASA Authorization Act of 2013

…Thirteen different federal agencies fund $2.5 billion annually in climate science research, but only NASA has space exploration as its primary mission. NASA is still involved in climate change research—spending $1.2 billion annually…

Read more about NASA 2013 funding.

3 thoughts on “Research to Nowhere: 13 federal agencies fund $2.5 billion annually in warmism research”

  1. The $2.5 billion does not include all the funds spent top “educate” children and the masses about the “problem”.
    But somewhere there is a scientist who was paid several thousand dollars by an oil company–which makes his claims false.

  2. The bridge to nowhere connected the town of Ketchikan to its new airport. True, few humans live on the island but it was false to claim that the bridge had no purpose.

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