Report: First Malaysian death blamed on haze

Not too many details… asthmatic woman… medical report blamed polluted air… if valid attribution, then first in history… still nowhere near the death toll EPA says should be occurring.

AFP reports:

Smog from slash-and-burn agricultural fires in Indonesia has been blamed for killing an asthmatic woman in southern Malaysia, the first reported death attributed to the crisis, a media report said Wednesday.

The Sun newspaper said Li Cai Ling, a resident of the southern town of Muar – which saw intense air pollution at the weekend – died on Sunday with a medical report blaming the polluted air.

Singapore initially bore the brunt of Southeast Asia’s worst smog crisis for years with pollution reaching record levels last week. Favourable winds have since cleared the air over the city state but southern Malaysia remains choked by smoke.

Read more at AFP…

Show us the bodies, EPA.

3 thoughts on “Report: First Malaysian death blamed on haze”

  1. Someone could just as easily have allergies and asthma and die from exposure to grass. Should we regulate grass? (That’s a rhetorical question, lefties.)

  2. Attribution is a problem. Even if one is sufficiently weakened by health conditions like asthma or emphysema to be on death’s door, was it the neighbor’s perfume? Don’t you still treat the problem – the asthma?

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