Paul Ehrlich calls UN chief Ban Ki Moon a ‘joyful idiot’ for celebrating humanity

Moon and a group of young people made the mistake of smiling in a photo celebrating the global population hitting 7 billion.

Here’s Ehrlich tweet:

Screen Shot 2013-06-14 at 10.46.08 PM

Here’s the photo that Ehrlich links to (Ban Ki Moon is smiling in the middle):


Click for the article accompanying the photo.

7 thoughts on “Paul Ehrlich calls UN chief Ban Ki Moon a ‘joyful idiot’ for celebrating humanity”

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  2. I say with a high degree of confidence that the global population is nowhere near 7 billion, and is not likely to reach that level in the foreseeable future. To be clear, I say this with regret.

  3. Joyful idiots v. morbid idiots. Popcorn. And somebody hand them some gasoline and matches.

  4. How can Ehrlich have any measurable credibility? The prognostications that were his claim to fame, weren’t even near misses.

  5. There is a valid reason to be concerned with the population growth. The larger the population, the higher is the absolute number of cretins like Ehrlich.

  6. Let’s hope this Bozo dies “prematurely” due to some “man-made something-or-other”. Sorry the list of our so-called sins against Gaia is way too long to enumerate!

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