Confused: Calif. regulators claim diesel rules reduce global warming — even though their own study says opposite

From “ARB claims diesel engine controls reducing climate change impact in California”: Continue reading Confused: Calif. regulators claim diesel rules reduce global warming — even though their own study says opposite

Bonn failure endangers 2015 climate agreement goal

“The collapse of one track of climate talks in Bonn has set back negotiations between developed and emerging nations by six months and agreement on a new global pact by 2015 is now at risk, a Bangladeshi official said.” Continue reading Bonn failure endangers 2015 climate agreement goal

Delingpole: 12 good reasons to scrap the (UK) Met Office

No. 1 — “The Met Office’s temperature forecasts issued in 12 out of the last 13 years have been too warm. None of the forecasts issued ended up too cold. That makes the errors systemic and significant.” Continue reading Delingpole: 12 good reasons to scrap the (UK) Met Office