3 thoughts on “Mayor Gloomberg Nonsense: ‘Report confirms concrete economic and health benefits for cities taking actions to manage climate risk’”

  1. The report lists specific, concrete benefits. Sydney, Australia will save $800,000 per year with energy-efficient LED lighting. The DC Housing Authority’s efficiency retrofits save $5,000,000 annually, while increasing comfort for residents.

    It cites health benefits, like water infrastructure changes taken in anticipation of increasing frequency and severity of floods also leading to overall water-quality improvements.

    I know this goes against the junk scientist’s credo, but try reading things before dismissing them. You might learn something, even by accident.

  2. Global warming and C02 issues are simply a method to create a TAX ON LIFE ITSELF . . all life forms on earth are CARBON BASED . . so if C02 is a by product of living then you have the broadest possible tax base . . life, energy, farming, travel, transportation, manufacturing, yes all of human activities and even animal behavior. Read about the history of taxes here . . see the keep trying to get more money which gives government more power over people.


  3. Mayor Bloomberg failed to manage the risk of a sentinel event: storms similar to Sandy had hit New York before and done considerable damage, but he (and his predecessors) had not beefed up the city’s defenses against a clear, valid risk. Why would I believe he’s done anything useful against “climate change” and attendant risks? That’s like saying his security detail keeps the alligators away.

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