Kerry to India: Global warming more important than poverty

Says the poor man who married a rich warmist.

The New York Times reports:

Secretary of State John Kerry urged India on Sunday to begin to address climate change by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases even as it attempts to bring electricity to tens of millions of its citizens now living without it.

“I do understand and fully sympathize with the notion that India’s paramount commitment to development and eradicating poverty is essential,” Mr. Kerry said in a speech at the start of a two-day visit. “But we have to recognize that a collective failure to meet our collective climate challenge would inhibit all countries’ dreams of growth and development.”

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4 thoughts on “Kerry to India: Global warming more important than poverty”

  1. Amusingly, if John Kerry had kids now (assuming he stayed within his marriage) they’d be African-Americans.

    But at the time he met Maria Teresa Thierstein Simões-Ferreira Heinz of Mozambique (then Mrs. Senator Heinz, a Republican), she was not exactly a warmist. Her disgusting dismissal of political opponents at that time was aimed at Democrats, including her “you make me sick” comment famously made to Ted Kennedy. She was a Republican back then. But

    she did get involved with environmental causes not too long before Senator Heinz’s death from getting a helicopter tangled in his landing gear. She was actually still a Republican until Kerry ran for the presidency, though this seems to have been something of a charade (like her name change in 2004 and then again in 2008).

    Rich she was, though, thanks to her first husband’s family fortune.

    ===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle

  2. Kerry’s message to the world is that the country that built the road to Lashio, the country whose volunteers turned back the Japanese invasion force at the Salween Gorge, no longer exists. It’s official: we have become a nation of fools.

  3. India to Kerry: no, it isn’t. Maybe not in those words but that’s what they’re going to do.

  4. Kerry is quoted as having said, “I do understand and fully sympathize with the notion that India’s paramount commitment to development and eradicating poverty is essential…. But we have to recognize that a collective failure to meet our collective climate challenge would inhibit all countries’ dreams of growth and development.”

    In effect, the people of India have to think of bigger things than their poverty. They have to think about global growth and development.

    Does Kerry not see that his words contradict themselves? What does “growth and development” mean to India and to the rest of developing world if not “escape from poverty.”

    If this is not what he meant, whose dreams was he talking about? The dreams of the developed countries?

    I have heard critical statements about Kerry’s mental capacity but because I am not an American I simply ignored those statements as partisan politics.

    This quotation seems to come from a reliable source and unless it can be shown that is not what he said, Kerry is exposed by his own words as incompetent to hold a high office. At the very least, he has shown himself to be a poor choice to represent the US abroad.

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