3 thoughts on “EPA Covers Up The Safety Of Fracking”

  1. The only conceivable reason that the EPA would avoid ‘independent’ peer-review of their fracking studies (which would cost them nothing) is that they know in advance that the results of the review would be inconsistent with their official and ideological positions on the issue – regardless of how they may try to stack the deck. If they *could* get peer-reviewed validation of their work it would be extremely valuable to their program in terms of defusing critics in advance.

  2. Having spent the better part of my working career in scientific oversight of regulatory programs for State government, I have run across way too many zealots at the State and Federal (EPA) level. These individuals, as there counterparts in the environmental community, are no better then Jhadists. When confronted with the facts, face to face, they usually back down, but if they are allowed to hid in there organizations and institutions, they will do anything they can to promote their ideology, whether the action is ethical or not.

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