Warmist Lament: ‘Global warming has literally changed what the Earth looks like from space’

Now Obama can add “view from space” to the social cost of carbon? Continue reading Warmist Lament: ‘Global warming has literally changed what the Earth looks like from space’

Rentseekers: HVAC industry cheers Obama effort to raise consumer cooling costs

Phasing out HFCs will provide no climatic benefit… other than enabling rentseekers to take better vacations. Continue reading Rentseekers: HVAC industry cheers Obama effort to raise consumer cooling costs

Obama to rehabilitate Malthus: USDA ‘aggressively’ seeking ways to grow less food to save the climate

Obama wants to rehabilitate Thomas Malthus. Continue reading Obama to rehabilitate Malthus: USDA ‘aggressively’ seeking ways to grow less food to save the climate

New Deniers: Michael Mann, Richard Alley write — “The Earth’s temperature continues to rise”

Uh… not in a while now… like 17 years or so… despite emission of 500 billion tons of CO2 or so… where’s the warming? Continue reading New Deniers: Michael Mann, Richard Alley write — “The Earth’s temperature continues to rise”

Reality continues raining on Obama climate plan: UK monthly coal imports rise to 6.5-year high in April

Platts reports:

The UK’s coal imports rose to their highest in six and a half years in April, with the country taking delivery of 4.54 million mt, up 12% on a year earlier, according to data released by the Department of Energy and Climate Change Thursday.

The country imported 16.61 million mt of coal in the first four months of 2013, the highest volume for the four-month period since 2006.

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