Junk Science Week at the FP: Now we have too many polar bears?

“Despite sea ice having declined since the 1970s, polar bear numbers in Davis Strait have not only increased to a greater density (bears per 1,000 km2) than other seasonal-ice subpopulations (like Western Hudson Bay), but may now have reached its carrying capacity.” Continue reading Junk Science Week at the FP: Now we have too many polar bears?

Big Green, Not Big Oil, is the Enemy

“Other than food, no commodity is as important to the world as energy. Yet, because of angst-ridden theoretical speculation – not empirical science – the modern green agenda has effected an intellectual disconnect.” Continue reading Big Green, Not Big Oil, is the Enemy

Sen. Whitehouse: “Those who deny CO2 emissions contribute to climate change are ‘one step short of insane'”

Lost on Sen. Whitehouse is that skeptics argue over the sensitivity of the atmosphere to CO2 emissions and the effects of that sensitivity. Continue reading Sen. Whitehouse: “Those who deny CO2 emissions contribute to climate change are ‘one step short of insane’”