Unfriended-plus: Enviros launch campaign against Facebook CEO Zuckerberg for supporting Keystone XL, ANWR

The downside of wealth creation is that there’s money leftover for wealth destruction.

“Following the news that Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg and his new advocacy group FWD.US are funding anti-environment ads, including one from Republican operatives praising Sen. Lindsay Graham for supporting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, CREDO is launching a multi-tiered campaign urging Zuckerberg to pull the ads. CREDO created a Facebook graphic that has been shared 6,098 times which says: Hey Zuck, pull your ads supporting Keystone XL.”

Read more at ENEWSPF.

One thought on “Unfriended-plus: Enviros launch campaign against Facebook CEO Zuckerberg for supporting Keystone XL, ANWR”

  1. Good for Zuckerberg. I’ll have to buy some stock. Maybe he could get the Google guys to show the boundaries of the proposed ANWR exploration area on Google Earth. Then maybe people would see that it would fit within the boundary fence of the Atlanta airport – and see what tempests in thimbles the enviros generate (and that a slobbering media further inflate).

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