UK Met Office on impact of climate change on tornados: ‘We don’t know’

The Financial Times reports:

And even if there were a more concerted trend, there is little understanding of exactly how global warming affects tornadoes.

A warmer climate may mean there is more moisture in the atmosphere and therefore more thunderstorms and tornadoes, says Richard Betts, head of climate impacts at the UK’s Met Office. “But on the other hand, you might get changes in high-level winds which could decrease tornadoes. So it literally could be either way. We don’t know.”

Read more at the FT.

4 thoughts on “UK Met Office on impact of climate change on tornados: ‘We don’t know’”

  1. They ‘don’t know’ yet each time roll out the crank CO2 linked to “warmer climate may mean there is more moisture in the atmosphere”. Has anyone ever seen empirical evidence of this? I don’t think there is as we keep hearing the ‘may’ caveat. If not why why keep repeating it? You could almost think Met Office employees are being paid to repeat this mantra not realising they sound like ambulance chasers.

  2. We might have more moisture in the air, we might have less moisture in the air, CO2 may rise, CO2 may fall. The glaciers may recede and then expand, we may have more drought some places and less drought other places. The sun may shine, the sun may not shine. Yup, anything may happen and it’s all climate change, and it’s always been climate change.

  3. So, because we don’t know what affect warming may have on tornadoes, and we don’t know whether warming is going on but it probably isn’t, and we don’t know whether humans affect warming but we probably don’t, we have to have a carbon tax to mitigate tornadoes.
    Got it.

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