4 thoughts on “UK Court denies access to Climategaters’ tree-ring data”

  1. If the AGW scientists are so proud of the data, they’d put it on every billboard across the planet and would print zillions of copies for homeless people to hand out on every street corner, for all to see.

    Same thing applies to the physical evidence to prove skeptic scientists were paid fossil fuel industry money to lie about the issue. The sheer lack thereof in both cases speaks volumes.

  2. “If the courts won’t enforce open availability of data, then scientists must do so themselves.” I’d like it better the other way around, myself.

  3. When scientific data has to be protected by courts from the view of other scientists, it’s fair for the scientific community to utterly ignore it.

    No serious journal should publish ANY paper based on this data, until it’s available to all. If the courts won’t enforce open availability of data, then scientists must do so themselves.

    Do I think this will happen? Nahh…..

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