The Grey Lady bitches about Obama offering ‘no visible sign of a coherent climate strategy’

What, Organizing for Action calling Congressional GOP names is not a strategy?

The New York Times editorializes:

Yet we are now four months into Mr. Obama’s second term, and there is no visible sign of a coherent [climate] strategy.

Read the NYTimes editorial.

Click for “ Obama campaign calls climate deniers ‘crazy’.”

Click for “ Obama team kicks off global warming push: Goal is to limit emissions from deniers.”

5 thoughts on “The Grey Lady bitches about Obama offering ‘no visible sign of a coherent climate strategy’”

  1. Despite having no climate strategy, Obama is throwing enormous sums of money at the global warming problem. Where he’s going with all of this is anybody’s guess. There’s no way to believe that he knows, either. What Obama is doing seems irresponsible, especially with the Federal deficits and national debt as large as they are.

  2. 2 points: first, I guess the Fish Wrap missed that the 400ppm thing actually didn’t happen.

    Second, they apparently haven’t noticed that Obama is a complete SCOAMF. What made them think he’d actually get this done? It doesn’t involve golf, vacations, or parties.

  3. Howdy OL
    Considering the result of Obama’s coherent strategies on the economy, greenies should be glad he hasn’t focused on them the way he has jobs.
    Of course there’s no need for a coherent climate strategy because there’s nothing for us to do about climate to begin with.
    Since anything the Crone would call a “strategy” is based on wealth destruction and on constraining the standard of living of people like me, Obama surely wants to do something with it. Fortunately, it’s considered too toxic for most Dems to go along. Let’s hope it’s toxic enough to help neuter Obama in 2014 and get a decent president in 2016.

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