Wealthy Obama donors push for rejection of Keystone XL — Decision ‘comparable’ with Lincoln’s work to abolish slavery

Abraham Obama? Continue reading Wealthy Obama donors push for rejection of Keystone XL — Decision ‘comparable’ with Lincoln’s work to abolish slavery

Tesla CEO quits Zuckerberg group over Keystone XL, oil drilling advocacy

“I agreed to support Fwd.us because there is a genuine need to reform immigration. However, this should not be done at the expense of other important causes,” Musk told AllThingsD. Continue reading Tesla CEO quits Zuckerberg group over Keystone XL, oil drilling advocacy

Pride of Stupidity: NYTimes puts ridiculous 400 ppm CO2 headline on front page, above fold

So who was around millions of years ago to see atmospheric CO2 at 400 ppm? Continue reading Pride of Stupidity: NYTimes puts ridiculous 400 ppm CO2 headline on front page, above fold

House Science Committee Chair to EPA: ‘Secret science is no way to develop credible regulations’

From a May 10, 2013 media release from the House Science, Space & Technology Committee: Continue reading House Science Committee Chair to EPA: ‘Secret science is no way to develop credible regulations’

Senate Democrats Will Try Again to Advance Obama’s EPA Nominee

Sen. Barbara Boxer is “urging” Sen. Vitter to attend next week’s committee meeting on Gina McCarthy’s nomination. Continue reading Senate Democrats Will Try Again to Advance Obama’s EPA Nominee

UPI gets 400 ppm CO2 headline right: ‘Carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere top symbolic level’

If this non-event had to be reported, the UPI got it right. Continue reading UPI gets 400 ppm CO2 headline right: ‘Carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere top symbolic level’

Another stupid 400 ppm CO2 headline: ‘Carbon dioxide hits levels not seen for three million years’

Who “saw” it then — and what did they see? Continue reading Another stupid 400 ppm CO2 headline: ‘Carbon dioxide hits levels not seen for three million years’

Stupidest 400 ppm CO2 headline — ‘World Hits Dreaded CO2 Saturation Level’

No, the 24-hour average at Mauna Loa was measured at 400 ppm for the first time. If that the atmosphere was “saturated” with CO2 at 400 ppm, then global warming alarmism would be over. Continue reading Stupidest 400 ppm CO2 headline — ‘World Hits Dreaded CO2 Saturation Level’