Could Supreme Court stall climate change regulations?

“The court’s decision on whether to take up any of the petitions, likely to come in October, could help shape or shatter the administration’s efforts to solidify its climate change agenda before President Obama leaves office in 2017.” Continue reading Could Supreme Court stall climate change regulations?

Two-Decade-Old Harvard Health Data Confounds U.S. EPA Nomination

“Buried in the questions Senate Republicans want answered by the nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency is a stumper: data linking microscopic particles in the air to premature death.” Continue reading Two-Decade-Old Harvard Health Data Confounds U.S. EPA Nomination

East Germany allowed Western pharma firms to test new drugs in hospital patients without consent

Looks like news of the Nuremberg Code might not have traveled the 317 km from Nuremberg to Berlin until 1996. Continue reading East Germany allowed Western pharma firms to test new drugs in hospital patients without consent

Frog decline culprit identified: African frogs imported in 20th century for pregnancy tests infected with deadly fungus

BTW, this is the species of frog used by anti-pesticide jihadist Tyrone Hayes in his dubious experiments. Continue reading Frog decline culprit identified: African frogs imported in 20th century for pregnancy tests infected with deadly fungus