NOAA predicts active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season

Three climate factors that strongly control Atlantic hurricane activity are expected to come together to produce an active or extremely active 2013 hurricane season. These are:

  • A continuation of the atmospheric climate pattern, which includes a strong west African monsoon, that is responsible for the ongoing era of high activity for Atlantic hurricanes that began in 1995;
  • Warmer-than-average water temperatures in the tropical Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea; and
  • El Niño is not expected to develop and suppress hurricane formation.

Read more at NOAA.

3 thoughts on “NOAA predicts active 2013 Atlantic hurricane season”

  1. I’m not changing my behavior due to the warning. Does anyone? Seriously, if you live in Miami, are you going to do anything different because the government says there will be 7 hurricanes or says there will be 20? Will someone lose their job if there are only 7?

    This looks like a government agency seeking the spotlight, and the legacy press happy to play along.

  2. Curious as to the ongoing era of high Atlantic activity that began in 1995. Even if they’re identifying activity that doesn’t make landfall, I’ve got to thing they didn’t do so much of that prior to 1995. And it’s been awhile since they had Katrina to kick around. And yes to MT Geoff, rainfall is rainfall and hurricanes provide quite a lot even into the Midwest.

  3. We should recall that hurricanes can be active and still miss the continental US. Active hurricane seasons have little to do with global warming but the warmists lie about that, so a quiet hurricane season deprives them of some of their ammunition.
    But I’ve been wondering: do hurricanes provide some of the energy and water transfer that is important to agriculture in the Southeast or even in the Plains? It seems to me like that would be true.

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