New Obama energy chief channels Al Gore: Climate science ‘not debatable’

“I am not interested in debating what is not debatable,” says Ernest Moniz.

The Hill reports:

New Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz doesn’t want to spend his tenure battling over climate science.

“Let me make it very clear that there is no ambiguity in terms of the scientific basis calling for a prudent response on climate change,” Moniz told Energy Department employees shortly after his swearing-in.

“I am not interested in debating what is not debatable,” Moniz said in his remarks at the Tuesday ceremony. “There is plenty to debate as we try and move forward on our climate agenda.”

Read more at The Hill.

6 thoughts on “New Obama energy chief channels Al Gore: Climate science ‘not debatable’”

  1. I think maybe he’s saying it’s not debatable for him–as in he can’t debate it because he has no clue on the accuracy of the science or even what it means except “Shut down fossil fuels, destroy planet with wind turbines and solar panels.”

  2. I think the comment that wins any debate on this topic is:

    “Do you believe and trust economic forecasts? If not, how can you believe and trust climate models which use similar methodology.”

    As far as I am concerned climate science is not science because economics is not considered a science.

  3. The Senators that voted for this guy are either completely on the Obama agenda or just gutless. They should have filibustered ANY Obama nominee ad nauseum. C’mon, get real. The pres is ONLY going to nominate far leftists stealth or not. When are the realists going to stand up and be responsible?

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