New Green Scam: Climate Adaptation Specialists — 50,000 in the next decade

“As recently as a decade ago, the word “adaptation” was as dirty as coal in the environmental community.” reports in “Getting Rich Off Global Warming“:

“I predict there will be 30,000 to 50,000 climate and adaptation professionals in the next decade or so, up from the current low-single-digit thousands,” said Kreeger. “Already we’re seeing environmental studies and MBA programs integrate climate-related work. The ACCO will set standards and provide services, same as any other professional association.” In October, Kreeger will host a three-day “Climate Strategies Forum” at D.C.’s Wardman Park Hotel. Platinum sponsorships cost $25,000 and include a full-page program ad and a speaking slot.

3 thoughts on “New Green Scam: Climate Adaptation Specialists — 50,000 in the next decade”

  1. I do hope they get this professional certification thing going. Gives the buyer a perfect red flag to avoid.

  2. I am baffled what a “climate adaptation specialist” would do. I’m also baffled that there are a couple thousand now (“current low-single-digit thousands).

    Doing an internet search, I get a few hits. Most seem to be related to USAID. More of the Alphabet Soup that should be eliminated from the United States government.

  3. When the Bureau of Labor Statistics gets a hold of this one, those “climate and adaptation professionals” will be people in management positions in “green companies” with “green jobs”. Like for instance supervising garbage haulers.

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