4 thoughts on “Joe Biden: ‘It would be nice not to have any carbon fuels’”

  1. From a practical standpoint it would be nice to have politicians with functioning brains, but the ones we have certainly are hypocrites.

  2. Is that what he’s going to tell them in Brazil?

    “The White House announced that Peruvian President Ollanta Humala and Chile’s President Sebastian Piñera will travel to Washington in June and meet with President Barack Obama. The White House also said that Vice President Joe Biden next week will visit Brazil and Colombia with a stop in Trinidad and Tobago.”


    “The US is supporting Humala’s agenda of social inclusion, wide ranging economic growth and domestic security. Other issues include the TPA negotiations, cooperation in energy, education, climate change, science and technology and bilateral trade, points out the official release.”

    It seems they may just listen politely…..
    “Brazil reports great interest in the coming 11th bidding hydrocarbons round”

    “The director of Brazil’s Agencia Nacional do Petroleo (ANP) reports significant interest from operators in Brazil’s upcoming 11th bidding round as the country pursues its plans to double its oil and natural gas production. The bidding round is the first since December 2008 and the first under the nation’s new hydrocarbon law.

    ANP will offer 189 blocks across 11 Brazilian states. Ten of these states are located in north and north-eastern Brazil in the 11th round, the largest in terms of activity since the ninth bidding round, in an effort to expand oil and gas investment from the southeast to other parts of Brazil, ANP director Magda Chambriard told attendees Wednesday at the 2013 Offshore Technology Conference in Houston.”


  3. What would he think would power his beloved Amtrak to Delaware? Solar power? Whar A Marron! That’s why he’s called Joey Choo-Choo.

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