International Carbon Lunacy in Dire Straits: Australian carbon tax cut scrapped as carbon tax fails; European carbon trading ‘chaos’ blamed

We owe the Euros and Aussies a debt of gratitude for proving that carbon trading and taxing is lunacy.

The Australian Financial Review reports:

Federal Minister for Climate Change Greg Combet has confirmed the government will defer $1.4 billion of tax cuts that were supposed to be funded by revenue associated with the carbon tax at next week’s budget.

Mr Combet said the tax cuts would be deferred until the carbon price recovered to $25.40 after it was linked with the European carbon price in 2015.

2 thoughts on “International Carbon Lunacy in Dire Straits: Australian carbon tax cut scrapped as carbon tax fails; European carbon trading ‘chaos’ blamed”

  1. Our Prime Minister, Juliar Gillard, has just decided to defer the Carbon Tax until “the price of carbon rises”. I wish her all the luck in the world.

  2. Carbon trading is worse than indulgences, and all experience proves it, and the carbon nannies will try to impose it anyway.

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