Virginia Hospital’s Race for the Bottom: Let us cut your breasts off

Now that Angelina Jolie has publicized her personal mutilation — it’s the thing to do. Billions and billions of dollars spent fundraising, running, walking, researching, and gala partying — and this is what breast cancer diagnosis/treatment comes down to: lopping off one’s breasts.


4 thoughts on “Virginia Hospital’s Race for the Bottom: Let us cut your breasts off”

  1. It has been at least 25 years since an NCI study showed conclusively that lumpectomies were just as effective as a ca-preventative breast treatment as more radical and deforming surgeries. Have there been more recent studies that contradict that finding?

  2. If you have the BRC1 gene, lopping off your breasts is not the end of the story, you need to remove your ovaries, bowel and, most probably, the uterus.
    Mutilation is the new science.
    Though there are no guarantees.

  3. I seem to remember Nancy Reagan being vilified in the press for making a similar decision

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