Hockey Stick Co-Author wants to talk to Pope on global warming: ‘He’s a guy that would really get it’

Possibly the Pope is the “kinda guy” that can smell BS a mile away.

Ray Bradley says:

There are religious groups that we should be working with to try to get that moral hazard front and center. And I think the, I’m not a Catholic but I think the new Pope, I would love to have the chance to sit and talk with him ‘cuz I think he’s a guy that would really get it and would have a “pulpit” so to speak where he could make the point to a lot of people all at once. And I think that we will hear from him on these issues. I think he’s the kinda guy who will speak out on these issues.

Watch the video. This clip begins around 1:17.

5 thoughts on “Hockey Stick Co-Author wants to talk to Pope on global warming: ‘He’s a guy that would really get it’”

  1. An institution that’s 2,000 years old, and seen two warm periods and a little Ice Age, might not be terribly impressed with the latest fashions, nor with the claim that ‘but it’s people doing it this time’.

  2. Do a quick study of Marxist Liberation Theology in Hispanola, throw in a cup or two of Reverend Wright’s ideology, and you’ll be well on you way toward a full-orbed understanding of modern day granola-crunchy progressivism.

  3. My read on Pope Francis is that he might be granola-crunchy progressive in some ways. I could be wrong and I hope I am. I have read that he has a dim view of liberation theology and that was a good sign to me.

  4. “Moral hazard?” Hopefully, the new “Papa de la Famiglia del Mundo” has brushed up on his biblical theology, including Gen. 8:22 and Romans 1:25. There’s going to be a lot of the world’s goofballs seeking religious (otherwise defined as “God as Government’s”) approval, and he needs to be on his game. I’m not holding my CO2 laden breath.

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