2 thoughts on “Hockey Stick Co-Author Goes Marxist: ‘Must build a sustainable, more equitable society’”

  1. This nonsense is UN Agenda 21 for all with eyes to see (if “all” would only do a little bit of research, and stop listening to the useful “scientific” idiots that are merely doing the bidding of their grant-masters). Here’s a few good starting points:

    (Take note that William K. Reilly, George H. W. Bush’s first EPA director specifically refers to Agenda 21; so, it’s no “conspiracy theory”).


    And this is the outcome Americans face if they don’t wise up and shun the government’s and main stream media’s “bread and circuses” offerings:


    For more information, FreedomAdvocates.org is one of the best resources available focusing solely on all issues related to Agenda 21. Thank you, Mr. Milloy, not only for this website and forum, but also for your articles on A-21.

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