Gov. Moonbeam: Warmists losing climate change battle; Urges more ‘activism’

So what does he think Al Gore, Jim Hansen, Michael Mann, Bill McKibben et al. have been doing all these years?

The Associated Press reports:

Gov. Jerry Brown warned scientists and policymakers Thursday that they are losing the war on climate change and urged them to become advocates for the planet.

Read the AP report.

One thought on “Gov. Moonbeam: Warmists losing climate change battle; Urges more ‘activism’”

  1. Jerry Brown is an archetype of “progressive” thinking. That which has failed fifty times, under all possible circumstances, will work if he implements it one more time. That which has worked fifty times, in all possible circumstances, will not work next time and besides it’s icky.
    In the same way, after you’ve shown that something is failing, you must throw more resources and more activity because it’s failing due to lack of resources and activity rather than because it’s STUPID.

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