German government targets climate skeptics in 123-page pamphlet; ‘Spreaders of half-truths and misinformation’

If you’re in Germany, you can just goose-step your way to the nearest bookstore — if it’s not already in flames or it’s front windows already shattered.

“In fact, the German government pamphlet specifically singles out, identifies and targets US and German skeptics, portraying them as “spreaders of half-truths and misinformation“. Welcome to open and tolerant debate in the Federal Republic of Germany!”

Click for the pamphlet.

Read more at NoTricksZone.

One thought on “German government targets climate skeptics in 123-page pamphlet; ‘Spreaders of half-truths and misinformation’”

  1. ‘Spreaders of half-truths and misinformation’

    Oh? As opposed to wholesale lies and concerted fraud?

    “Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

    — George Washington

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