Water is the most abundant substance on the planet. If anyone can’t get it, its likely because:
All of these bottlenecks are readily fixed by wealth-generating individual liberty and limited government.
Water is the most abundant substance on the planet. If anyone can’t get it, its likely because:
All of these bottlenecks are readily fixed by wealth-generating individual liberty and limited government.
Can’t let peope have water, need it for the snail darters and delta smelt or anything else enviros can dream up. One enviro told us: “We don’t give a damn about the snail darters, but they make a good excuse to prevent the constructionof the dam.”
Farms in California cannot be irrigated because a federal judge decrees that a relatively unknown fish in may be harmed.
Don’t worry, the judge and the enviros won’t be blamed as food prices rise and people starve. Its global warming’s fault.
That, and we’ve been running out of water, petroleum and food since about 1790.