5 Years Ago in JunkScience History: Milloy reads riot act to warmist shareholders at ExxonMobil annual meeting

This year’s ExxonMobil annual meeting is tomorrow, May 29. But in 2008, it was on May 28. Listen to Steve Milloy introduce the shareholder proposal to end all shareholder proposals (literally). It is 4 minutes well spent.

Milloy is introduced at the meeting by ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson.

4 thoughts on “5 Years Ago in JunkScience History: Milloy reads riot act to warmist shareholders at ExxonMobil annual meeting”

  1. The corporate governance nuts did a job on AIG and contributed strongly to the recent financial crises. Hank Greenberg understood the company better than his replacements.

    I was pleased to see the assault on Mr. Dimon beaten back. It is too bad that we did away with public hangings. Activists, aka Naderites, dangling from a rope would be very satisfying.

  2. How true. I get tired of having to deal with shareholder proposals when voting my shares. Most of these proposals are written by people who buy one or more shares so they can submit their proposals designed to destroy a legitimate company. Needless to say you will never see a company recommend a vote “FOR” a shareholder proposal in the prospectus.

  3. Good job Steve . . the future of the American experiment depends on ENERGY and that is fossil and nuclear – none of the E=GREEN can produce 24/7/365 base load power so they are never going to be price competitive – Free enterprise competition has left Europe abandoning the Solar and wind business. Even Germany is building new coal plants and buying nuclear power from France trying to keep their manufacturing base form leaving.

    Spain lost much of it’s manufacturing during the Solar run up of energy – all forms were increased so the government would have money to give solar and wind subsidies. The house of cards is now down and they are in panic mode trying to fix the dying economy and high unemployment.

    Do this project and fix America for the future . . http://articlevprojecttorestoreliberty.com/take-action.html

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