Carpe Climate: Senate GOP seizes power from Obama by controlling confirmation of EPA political appointees

41 GOP Senators means nothing happens at EPA — starting with confirmation of political appointees — without GOP approval. Continue reading Carpe Climate: Senate GOP seizes power from Obama by controlling confirmation of EPA political appointees

EPA’s back-room ‘Sue and Settle’ deals require reform

“There are multiple reasons to repeal Sue and Settle but the two most important are its inherently anti-democratic character and the mockery it makes of transparency and accountability in government.” Continue reading EPA’s back-room ‘Sue and Settle’ deals require reform

Warmist Trenberth: Global Warming Is Here To Stay, Whichever Way You Look At It

“Another prominent source of natural variability in the Earth’s energy imbalance is changes in the sun itself, seen most clearly as the sunspot cycle. From 2005 to 2010 the sun went into a quiet phase and the warming energy imbalance is estimated to have dropped by about 10 to 15%.” Continue reading Warmist Trenberth: Global Warming Is Here To Stay, Whichever Way You Look At It

Progressive Israeli Warmist: Reducing greenhouse gas won’t change a thing for Israel’s citizens

“In Israel’s latest budget plan, the item dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions has been cancelled, arousing frustration among the country’s environmental organizations. However, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is not the most urgent problem facing Israelis regarding climate change, and thus, the budget should be directed toward other environmental problems.” Continue reading Progressive Israeli Warmist: Reducing greenhouse gas won’t change a thing for Israel’s citizens

Shot Down: EPA lead ammunition ban blocked by federal court

“There is quite simply no sound science that shows the use of traditional ammunition has harmed wildlife populations or that it presents a health risk to humans who consume game taken with such ammunition.” Continue reading Shot Down: EPA lead ammunition ban blocked by federal court

Leno: Obama Can Close Gitmo By Making it a Government-Funded Solar Company

“The doors will be shut in a month. The whole thing will collapse and shut in a month.” Continue reading Leno: Obama Can Close Gitmo By Making it a Government-Funded Solar Company

Snow blankets parts of Europe — FLASHBACK: Climategater says ‘Children won’t know what snow is’

A few days before summer starts, much of the continent is still in winter’s grip. Continue reading Snow blankets parts of Europe — FLASHBACK: Climategater says ‘Children won’t know what snow is’