20 Years Ago: 5-5-93 — AFL-CIO report says law protects environment more than people. Max penalties: Worker death is 6 months; Environmental law is 15 years

EPA’s budget is 20 times OSHA’s. Permitted worker exposures are 1,000 times higher. Environmental violations are punished more.

The news report is below.


May 5, 1993, Chemical Week

The AFL-CIO (Washington) says in a new report that law and public policy favor environmental protection over worker protection. The study finds that the Environmental Protection Agency budget is $ 7 billion, vs. $ 300 million for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is responsible for protecting 100 million workers and 6.5 million work sites; OSHA’s standards for carcinogenic substances permit up to 1,000 times greater risk to workers than EPA’s standards permit to the public; the maximum penalty for an OSHA violation leading to a worker’s death is six months in jail vs. 15 years for violation of an environmental law.

2 thoughts on “20 Years Ago: 5-5-93 — AFL-CIO report says law protects environment more than people. Max penalties: Worker death is 6 months; Environmental law is 15 years”

  1. “$ 300 million for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which is responsible for protecting 100 million workers and 6.5 million work sites”

    Fascist propaganda. OSHA’s job is to harass employers.

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