Enviros: Warming could bring malaria back to the UK — Reality: Malaria endemic to Britain since 1400s

“From the 15th century onwards, malaria was endemic along the coasts and estuaries of south-east England, the Fenlands, and estuarine and marshland coastal areas of northern England.” Continue reading Enviros: Warming could bring malaria back to the UK — Reality: Malaria endemic to Britain since 1400s

Tangled Web: PETA hits Chris Christie for killing spider; Meanwhile spider bite alleged to kill metal band guitarist

Perhaps Christie wasn’t as “thoughtless” as PETA claims. Continue reading Tangled Web: PETA hits Chris Christie for killing spider; Meanwhile spider bite alleged to kill metal band guitarist

20 Years Ago: 5-4-93 — Senate votes 79-15 to elevate EPA to cabinet level on condition of mandatory comparative risk analysis

The Senate voted overwhelmingly to make EPA a cabinet-level department on the proviso that the agency conduct comparative risk analysis (i.e., likening environmental risks to commonly encountered risks). This proviso would be the bill’s death in the Democrat-controlled House. Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-4-93 — Senate votes 79-15 to elevate EPA to cabinet level on condition of mandatory comparative risk analysis