Anti-chemical industry pushes feds to ban triclosan from anti-bacterial products

It used to be anti-bacterial resistance. Now it’s endocrine disruption. Either way, it’s always junk science. Continue reading Anti-chemical industry pushes feds to ban triclosan from anti-bacterial products

Warmists try blocking former New Mexico Guv from university presidency because of skepticism, sound science advocacy

“Four Las Cruces state representatives have ‘serious reservations’ about New Mexico State University presidential candidate Garrey Carruthers due to his work for a tobacco-backed group and his climate change views.” Continue reading Warmists try blocking former New Mexico Guv from university presidency because of skepticism, sound science advocacy

Kyoto Futility: Only covers 14% of global emissions — and Australia may drop out; Treaty extension still unratified

“While a signed climate deal at the 2015 Paris summit may be widely celebrated at the time, the true test will come as the 195 parties attempt to push legislation through their domestic Parliaments.” Continue reading Kyoto Futility: Only covers 14% of global emissions — and Australia may drop out; Treaty extension still unratified

Keystone Coming: ‘Odds pretty strong right now’ Obama will approve pipeline, says House Dem

Opponents want Obama to extract concessions from Canada — like a higher carbon tax in Alberta. Continue reading Keystone Coming: ‘Odds pretty strong right now’ Obama will approve pipeline, says House Dem

20 Years Ago: 5-3-93 — VP Al Gore fires Will Happer from Energy Dept. for ozone, climate skepticism

“I think there has been an exaggeration of the dangers of ozone depletion and climate change,” Happer told the House subcommittee, making clear the distinction between his opinions and official administration policy.” Continue reading 20 Years Ago: 5-3-93 — VP Al Gore fires Will Happer from Energy Dept. for ozone, climate skepticism